It's been almost a year since an update but this is a big one! I have started a new band called "The Spin Wires"
We have an Unreleased EP recorded and I feel it is some of the best music I've ever made. The music from The Spin Wires is more upbeat and polished sounding than Dreams from Gin. Don't worry though, if your a fan of Dreams from Gin you'll dig The Spin Wires as well...as the The Spin Wires songs may sound upbeat but they deal with subjects ranging from selling your soul, stalking and fire breathing women.
You Can listen here:
You can download it here:
or here:
Is Dreams From Gin splitting up, or is this a side project?
Good question! Dreams from Gin is currently on a Hiatus, which means we are not playing shows or recording music anytime in the near future.
Right now playing in the Spin Wires is my main priority. We are actually getting some good traction with Radio airplay and are chatting with some indie record labels so I'm hopeful something will pan out.
We've been playing a lot of shows but I'd really like to release this EP and see how it does!
Let me know how the band project with your buddy goes, I'll check it out when you guys get something together!